Contact Information /

Información del contacto
(910) 739 - 4723 / Fax: (910) 739-5443 

Mission Statement

The Churc​h is the living body of Christ in which all share in various and diverse ways the responsibility for the mission given to the Church by the Lord to: • Worship God in joyous celebration of the Mass and sacraments • Proclaim the Word of God to all people • Witness the love and redemptive healing of Christ • Serve those in need in both Church and society.

​​​Saint Francis de Sales Catholic Parish
Inclement Weather Policy

In order to help ensure the safety of our Parishioners, the Church and other facilities will be closed and religious education, groups, committees and clubs will not meet or use Parish facilities and grounds under the following conditions:

 When Robeson County is under a Tropical Storm or Hurricane Watch, and during the storm

The most common cause of death in our area from these storms is from people trying to drive through flooded areas.  As the rain is falling, please stay home.  When it clears, stay out of the flooded areas on roads and bridges!  We want to see you safe!

If there is a threat of ice on the roads or roads are covered with ice and/or snow.

Robeson County lacks the ability to clear snow and ice from secondary roads and neighborhood streets.  Please stay home until it melts.  It usually won’t last more than 48 hours.

Electricity is out at the Church

We will notify you if there is a power outage at the Church through Social Media and the Parish app. 

The Governor declares a state of emergency asking people to stay home in Robeson County.

In all cases the Parish Staff will communicate over Social Media to let the members of the Parish know that we have closed and to let them know when we have opened the facilities back up for regular activities.


Reverend Zacharie Lukielo Tati

Mailing Address /

Dirección de envio
P. O. Box 2249
Lumberton, North Carolina 28358

St. Francis de Sales Catholic Parish of Lumberton, NC

​Physical Address /

Dirección física
2000 Elizabethtown Road
Lumberton, North Carolina 28358